S100 Bus
S100 Bus ZFDC Western Digital 2793 Floppy Disk V1.0b
Author: John Monahan
Module description:http://www.s100computers.com/My%20System%20Pages/ZFDC%20Board/ZFDC.htm
Z80-based WD 2793 Floppy Disk Controller for the S100 Bus / Modulesystem
NOTE: Pictures of assembled boards are for illustrative purposes only and are not part of the offer. This offer includes the bare board mentioned in the item name without any components.
S100 Bus 68000/68010 CPU V3 (V1.03b PCB vom 07.04.2024)
Author of module: John Monahan
Module description:http://s100computers.com/My%20System%20Pages/68000%20Board/68K%20CPU%20Board.htm
68K CPU Master/Slave Board for S100 Bus / Modulesystem
NOTE: Pictures of assembled boards are for illustrative purposes only and are not part of the offer. This offer includes the bare board mentioned in the item name without any components.
S100 Bus Extender-Riser V2.0a PCB
Author of module: John Monahan
Module description: http://s100computers.com/My%20System%20Pages/Extender%20Board/Extender%20Board.htm
Very interesting modular system with many modules (depending on the response to this board, I may add more boards to the program).
NOTE: Pictures of assembled boards are for illustrative purposes only and are not part of the offer. This offer includes the bare board mentioned in the item name without any components.
S-100 Bus - Z180 SBC V0.8a (17.07.2023)
Author of module: John Monahan
Module description: http://s100computers.com/My%20System%20Pages/Z180%20SBC/Z180%20SBC.htm
Very interesting modular system with many modules (depending on the response to this board, I may add more boards to the program).
This Z180 SBC board is based on the SC131 - Z180 board from Steve Cousins, uses his monitor program and is CP/M capable.
The board has two expansion stages:
- in the basic expansion stage, not all components are fitted and it resembles an SC131 Z180 board as described above.
- in the full expansion stage, all components on the board are assembled and it is therefore S-100 bus-capable and can be used with the other available modules.
NOTE: Pictures of assembled boards are for illustrative purposes only and are not part of the offer. This offer includes the bare board mentioned in the item name without any components.