VT100 - like VGA Terminal as Stand-alone
uTerm Project:
uTerm-S (micro-Term S) is a VT100-like terminal comparable to the uTerm for MBC, but can be used as Stand-alone module universally.
The module provides a VGA output, a PS/2 keyboard port and a "transparent" USB serial port. The video terminal is based on the ChibiTerm.
VT100-like VGA Terminal for Z80-MBC, 68K-MBC, V20-MBC.
uTerm Project:
uTerm (micro-Term) is a VT100-like terminal addon-modul suitable for my offers:
- Z80-MBC2
- V20-MBC
- 68K-MBC (68008 project)
The module is plugged onto the MBC and provides the power supply for the MBC, a VGA output, a PS/2 keyboard port and a "transparent" USB serial port. The video terminal is based on the ChibiTerm.
Multi-emulation color stand-alone RS232 video terminal with sounds using an ESP32 and the FabGL library.
uTerm2-S Project:
The uTerm2-S (micro Term2 Stand-alone) is an easy to build multi-emulation RS232 terminal using an ESP32-Wroom-32 module and the great FabGL library ( More, using an ESP32 gives the opportunity to use the uTerm2-S in a lot of different ways easily using the Arduino IDE with the ESP32 core.
These the main specs of uTerm2-S:
- RS232 serial port
- VGA Output
- "transparent" port for a serial-USB adapter (as in the uTerm-S)
- secondary serial port for ESP32 programming using a serial-USB Adapter
- RTS/CTS support between the RS232 and the "transparent" port (as in the uTerm-S)
- on board power supply
- colors, graphics and sounds capabilities (FabGL library)
- multi language keyboard support (FabGL library)
- various terminal emulations (FabGL library)
- PS/2 connectors for keyboard and mouse
- on board amplifier for an external Speaker