Z80 4-Chip MBC Ver.3 PCB
Modul description: https://hackaday.io/project/19000-a-4-4ics-z80-homemade-computer-on-breadboard
"Predecessor" of the MBC2 - without MCP23017 i2c port expander, but with 2 EEPROMs
IMPORTANT: Pictures of assembled boards are for illustrative purposes only and are not part of the offer. This offer includes the bare board mentioned in the item name without any components.
Z80 Southern Cross SBC Rev. 3.2 - PCB
Autor: Craig RS Jones
Projektbeschreibung: https://github.com/crsjones/Southern-Cross-Computer-z80
Craig developed the Z80 Southern Cross Computer for Hong Kong based Kitsrus in 1992/93. The kit was based on the TEC-1 Computer that was designed by John Hardy and Ken Stone in 1983 and appeared in Australia's Talking Electronics Magazine Issue 10 March 1983.
Kitsrus distributed the kit into the US and the UK and was sold online from Hong Kong.
The Southern Cross Computer appeared in Australia's Silicon Chip Magazine in the August 1993 edition. A follow up article appeared in Silicon Chip in December 1993 describing the 8x8 LED Matrix and 8 Channel Relay add-on board.
A facebook group for the Southern Cross has been established [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1553416258519631).
See also my offer for the TEC-1G
Toms CP/M Z80 SBC Ver. C - REV A
Module description 1: https://glasstty.com/z80-sbc-using-tom-szolygas-sbc-z80-board/
Module description 2: https://oshwlab.com/peabody1929/CPM_Z80_Board_REV_B_copy-76313012f79945d3b8b9d3047368abf7
The computer is a single board Z80 CP/M enabled computer that uses a CF Card to provide disk storage. The basic machine simply requires a VT100 type terminal to be connected to one of the device’s headers via either an FTDI type cable or a TTL to RS232 converter.
IMPORTANT: Pictures of assembled boards are for illustrative purposes only and are not part of the offer. This offer includes the bare board mentioned in the item name without any components.
TEC-1G V1.11 - Z80 based SBC PCB
Module description: https://github.com/MarkJelic/TEC-1G
Author: Mark Jelic (based on"Talking Electronics Magazin")
The TEC-1G is a direct descendant of the Talking Electronics Computer, known as the TEC-1, which was first published by the Australian electronics hobbyist magazine "Talking Electronics" (or simply TE), between 1981 and 1991.
When building the TEC-1G, be sure to observe the last instructions ("Errata") before assembling!
See: https://github.com/MarkJelic/TEC-1G/blob/main/Errata.md
EASY Z80 Single Board Computer V1.1 with RC2014-Bus Interface
Author: Max Malinov & Sergey Kiselev (also author of ZETA SBC V2)
Projectpage: https://github.com/skiselev/easy_z80
Processor: Zilog Z80 CPU (CMOS version - Z84C00)
Memory: 512 KB battery-backed SRAM, 512 KB Flash ROM
- Zilog Z80 CTC - Programmable timer used for periodic interrupts and (optionally) for generating UART clock
- Zilog Z80 SIO - Dual channel serial interface, used for console and for connecting to other peripheral devices
Bus: RC2014 compatible
- Reset generation
- SRAM battery backup
- Power failure NMI
- Watchdog (optional)
BIOS and OS:
Easy Z80 is supported by RomWBW v2.9.1 and later. RomWBW includes BIOS, CP/M-80 2.2, Z-System, and a collection of utilities. It also should be possible to run FUZIX on this board.
SPLD Fuse Map:
Easy Z80 uses an ATF16V8/GAL16V8 SPLD (U9) for address decode logic.
The SPLD fuse map and the SPLD source code are provided in the SPLD directory of the project page and can be written to the 16V8 GAL with most EPROM writers like TL866.
Author of this module: Stephen C Cousins
Module description: https://smallcomputercentral.wordpress.com/documentation/
The module SC131 is a SBC - Single Board Computer and provides similar to the SC130 motherboard a Z180 CPU (18MHz) with 512K Flash-ROM, 512K RAM, 2 x serial ports and SPI /SD-Card and a RESET generator on one board.auf einer Platine zur Verfügung.
The difference - this SC131 SBC does not claim to be a hardware development system with expansion backplanes, but is more for the software users/developers and/or CP/M users.
Small circuit board with all necessary in a small housing - done.
IMPORTANT: Again, the SC131 SBC is supplied with 5V DC and offers NO voltage regulator and NO reverse polarity protection! It is essential to check the polarity of the power supply before inserting the integrated circuits!
Author: P. Wilson
Simple Z80 SBC Project: https://oshwlab.com/peterw8102/simple-z80
Absolutely amazing Z80 SBC based on the RC2014 "architecture".
Similar to the RC2014 Starterkit (see my other offers), but I2C, SPI and RTC etc. combined on a single board and unlike to the Z80-MBC2 with an outgoing bus.
Capable for CP/M!